Online translators and online dictionaries for all languages

How to improve the quality of Machine Translation

Machine translation quality depends on the quality of the source text. Some useful advices will help to prepare the source text for optimal translation quality.
  1. Check translation text on mistakes before translation

    The machine translator don't correct mistakes. Incorrect spelling or grammar leads to translation errors. Before translation check the text by special spell-checking programs.
  2. Always check punctuation

    Avoid the use of complicated punctuation marks such as parentheses and hyphens. Avoid abbreviations. Always use a period (.) at the end of the sentence.
  3. Use language diacritics correctly

    As a rule, machine translator cannot recognize words containing the uncorrect diacritics letter or words with emphasis marks.
  4. Use right case of letters

    A uppercase letter in a word may relates by translator to derivation of a new word.
  5. Write clearly and formally

    Don't use a idioms, colloquial expressions, literal meaning of words, and slang. Write clearly and formally.
  6. Translate short texts

    Translate short texts, limiting them to 15-20 words for best results. If a text contains multiple ideas/thoughts, break them into one sentence per idea/thought.
  7. Specify a subject glossary for the translation

    By specifying a subject glossary that is related to the content of translation text you can enhance the translation accuracy. Subject glossaries enable a translator to understand the theme, context and tone of your text.
  8. Use additional dictionaries

    Using additional dictionaries will ensure greater accuracy of the translation of your text. Dictionaries tell translators what words or phrases do not translate and also provide alternate translations for particular words and phrases.
  9. After translation check and edit results

    Don't forget check and edit text after translation. Use a dictionary to translate unknown or unrecognized words.